What are you doing today on the last day of 2024? For many, they are celebrating the last day of the year, celebrating the treats and alcohol and craziness. (Have they never heard of comfy pants!?!?)
But most folks will celebrate and then start a new push into the new year:
New gym routines
Changing it up to create new results
Hey - starting a new chapter can take many different forms.
But I invite you to do a practice with me right now:
What are you celebrating from 2024?
Not celebrating tonight, but the gains and the progress you’ve made this year
What have you experienced that you want to see more of in the coming year?
What needs have been fulfilled for you (and by you)?
Now, ask your family members.
What are they celebrating from this year? How have they grown, what progress have they made?
It is crazy-easy to see the gaps and where we want to focus and change going forward. However, it is meaningless if we don’t take the time to inventory and CELEBRATE the progress that we’ve already made.
This is not fluff.
It is neuroscience: wiring our brains to appreciate the progress, to see the gains, and to practice gratitude.
Of all the common things that I hear from parents, it’s concern about how their children are not expressing gratitude for all they have in the world, including their health, their relationships, the outcome of all we have worked so hard to provide.
Guilty. I’m definitely guilty of that. We all are. Because we are hard-wired to find the faults, the gaps and the distance to go until we can finally be “happy.”
Well, today is a place that you once longed for.
I say this as I sit in a garage bay in Guam, thinking… I longed for this? On the reframe, I am enjoying both a morning breeze and shade on a beautiful day where I can write freely, working remotely while I am visiting with my husband of 26 years (how did that happen!?!), with my children taking responsibility for themselves (and my home, thank goodness), with a strong body and the most amazing coffee that I have perfected over the past few months. Oh, and I found TWO new fresh veggie places on-island yesterday.
Yes, I longed for this.
I created this.
And I’m celebrating right now - because THIS is the new foundation upon which I will build 2025.
How about you?
Ready to start on your new journey into a healthy, happy 2025 for your family? Book your consult now to receive info about the Family Access Pass: 6 months of laser-focused private work on your health goals. And as a bonus, I'm offering the chance to share equal access with every member of your immediate family, ages 10+. Don't delay - special pricing available through 1/4/2025.
Check out the Family in Focus with Wendy Schofer, MD Podcast!
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