Five Tips to Prevent the Spooky Halloween Sugar Fights

candy food fights halloween magic meal plan sugar Oct 22, 2024

Halloween is one of the most food-contentious holidays of the year. You know: all the sugar, all the treats, all the events that are powered by the magic of sugar.

Instead of having breakdowns (both ours and our kids') and then throwing all the candy out amidst the tears, here are 5 tips to help plan and create a magical day (and week afterwards!)

1) Ask yourself, "What is the magic of Halloween?"

Get clear on the magic and allure of the holiday, for you and for your kids. Is it the costumes and role play? The community events and night out together? The candies that aren't allowed at other times? Observe what is magical for you and how it might be quite different for the kids.

2) Ensure the magic

However you (and the kids) define the magic, lean into it. And yes, the candy is a LEGIT reason to enjoy Halloween. We all enjoy a free-pass to enjoy sweets that are often considered taboo. Acknowledge that candy is a part of it without it being a problem. This is the part that is hardest for parents. We are worried that our kids' fascination with candy is a problem. What if it's just the magic for this holiday? What if it's the pixie dust ingredient on top? "But my kid is addicted to sugar," is a commonly voiced concern. Before we head towards diagnostic labels, what if we just consider that there is a magic around sugar and of course we love it.

3) Pace yourself

Slow down. Kids go banananananas (extra a's & n's because everything is extra on Halloween) running around the neighborhood, gathering as much as possible, only to come home, fight over the loot and then parents lamenting what to do with all the candy.

What if Less is More?

Focus on the magic and where you can fill that bucket. Then... it doesn't need to overflow. Cap it. "We have visited the neighbors, now it's time to go home." Halloween is full of impulsivity. Slowing down, pacing can help create a little helpful structure to the ghoulie gorge-fest.

4) Feast before the fest

We are busy folk. We get home from school just in time to get changed and hit the neighborhood with Elsa & Anna, the Wiggles (when did they make a comeback?), and the most awesome dinosaur in a car. Don't overlook filling the tank with what you want first. Eating a nutritious meal before trick-or-treating fills the tank to stave off "but I'm hungry!" as reasons to consume all the candy in real-time. It also offers the opportunity to get some good protein and fat in the tummy because those will help balance the sugar rush from candy. Don't forget to take your water bottle along for the fun!

5) Plan ahead of time

What are you going to do with the candy? What's a way to enjoy your magic? Is it eating your favorite piece or two that night? Planning it out for the next week (or months)? Grab your favorites and then donate? Create a plan to enjoy in the moment and after the fact. It's not restriction or controlling -- it's creating a plan for how your family can enjoy the bounty. Bonus points for planning it ahead of time with the kids so they have active participation in the plan (and you may learn a lot more about their magic of Halloween).

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